How Much Does this Cost?

Find pricing for our many services below.

Stock plans:

Purchasing a stock plan is for a one time build on one location. Plans may be purchased at a discount (repeat) price after first purchase.

  • .50 X's the Living Area
  • Minimum order of $500.00
  • Orders are not refundable
  • Garage with no changes $400.00
  • Order includes PDF for one time use
  • Prints of purchased plan are $5.00 per page when printed as a set
  • Individual or selected pages are $10.00 per page

What's included with our stock plans:

  • Front, Rear and Side elevations
  • Roof plan
  • Dimensioned floor plans
  • Electrical Layout (light, plugs switches only)
  • Window and door schedules
  • City specific detail page for wall and roof framing, stair details.

What's not included but available at additional cost:

  • Paper prints
  • CAD file
  • Location of actual ductwork for heating and air conditioning
  • Drawings showing the actual plumbing pipe sizes and locations
  • Electrical panel diagrams
  • Professional stamps
  • Location specific engineering

Standard Site Plans:

We must be provided with a legal plat or survey to complete a site plan. We can not do a site plan from an appraisal district map.

  • Our plans $200.00*
  • Non Plan Factory Plans $400.00*
  • Grand Prairie & Lake Ridge added to the base fee above $150.00.
  • *Some cities are requiring erosion plans and landscaping plans on separate sheets, these additional requirements would be bid per city requirement.

Changes to a Plan Factory Stock Plan

Changes can be made to any Plan Factory Stock Plan. Changes are billed at an hourly rate. Hourly changes would be used for a simple extension of a room, windows or interior layout without affecting exterior. Changes of elevation, room locations etc will be billed as a new design.

Hourly Changes:

  • Hourly charges are the cost of the stock plan plus an hourly charge of $95.00 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours.

We offer new design services to develop your ideas into a custom designed home.

New Design:

  • New Designs will be bid on a per design basis.
  • Porte cochere, detached garages, walk out basements, three story structures etc. will be bid on a per design basis.
  • 50% non-refundable deposit is required on all design work. When the preliminary plan advances from design to working drawing the second payment of 45% is due. The final 5% is due after adjustment of final footage.
  • No plans are released until final payment is made.

What's included with new design:

  • PDF of final plans
  • Front, Rear and Side elevations
  • Roof plan
  • Dimensioned floor plans
  • Electrical Layout (lights, plugs, fans, switches)
  • Window and door schedules
  • City specific detail page for wall and roof framing, stair details.

What's not included but available at additional cost:

  • Paper prints
  • CAD file
  • Location of actual ductwork for heating and air conditioning
  • Drawings showing the actual plumbing pipe sizes and locations
  • Electrical panel diagrams
  • Professional stamps
  • Location specific engineering

House measure when plans are not available:

  • .50 x the Area Under Roof (AUR) or $1500 min.*
  • Enter measure into CAD

Remodel Design when plans are available or adding a single room:

  • Bid per job. Minimum is $1500.00*

*All remodels that extend beyond existing home in the city limits of any city must have a survey showing existing structure for the permit process Engineering can be bid per job as required for a specific city.

We offer the following engineering and services. All are bid per job and city.

Minimum prices listed and are finalized with a written bid from The Plan Factory.

  • Soils test and analysis $2100.00 min. (lot specific with 2 core samples)
  • Engineered foundation design (soils based on agricultural report). $575.00 min. or .20 x Slab
    • Post Tension - This design unless otherwise requested
    • Rebar
    • Pier and Beam - raised foundation - (bid per project)
    • Piers can be used on Rebar or Post Tension
  • Repeat foundation and Windshear engineering at discounted rate if same house and city, different lot.
  • Escarpment study. (bid)
  • Wind Shear. $500.00 - Design to withstand 90 MPH wind for 3 seconds
  • Tall wall. $250.00 (required in Cedar Hill for walls over 12')
  • Eyebrow arch. $200.00 (required in Fort Worth)
  • Topographical surveys. $1250.00 minimum - Space and features of the land surface
  • Drainage engineering. $950.00 minimum (topographical Survey is required to do this)
  • Color Renderings. $600.00 min.
  • Lot survey $600.00 minimum. Bid per job
  • Frame Engineering (bid)
  • IC3/ResCheck $200.00 (report only)

The above prices are minimums and would be bid per lot and job.

Designers at Work
Plan being designed